自己搭建平台_长沙网站开发拓谋_网站宣传稿子可以一稿多投吗_百度竞价广告  Volunteer Management for the Spring Boot Marathon


In the information society, there is a need for targeted information acquisition channels, but the expansion of channels is basically the direction of people's efforts. Due to the deviation in perspective, people often can obtain different types of information, which is also the most difficult topic for technology to overcome. Research and analyze the management of marathon event volunteers, and then develop and design a marathon event volunteer management system to solve the problems.

The main functional modules of the Marathon Volunteer Management System include the front desk: homepage, notification and announcement, volunteer training, event information, event dynamics, full position volunteer positions, and professional staff positions; Administrator: Administrator: homepage, personal information center, public management (broadcast images, notification announcements), user management (volunteers, administrators, organizers), information management (volunteer training, training classification), event information, event dynamics, all position volunteer positions, professional staff positions, all position application, professional application, check-in and check-out, check-in and check-out, volunteer evaluation, etc. The system adopts an object-oriented development model for software development and hardware installation, which can effectively meet the actual needs of use. It improves the corresponding software installation and program coding work, adopts MySQL as the main storage unit for backend data, and uses the Spring Boot framework, Java language, and Ajax technology for business system coding and development, achieving all functions of the system. This report first analyzes the background, role, and significance of the research, laying the foundation for the rationality of the research work. An analysis was conducted on the various requirements and technical issues of the marathon volunteer management system, demonstrating the necessity and feasibility of the system. Then, a basic introduction was made to the technical software and design ideas required for designing the system. Finally, the marathon volunteer management system was implemented and deployed for operation.

Keywords: Marathon volunteer management system; Springboot framework; MySQL database

目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.2 开发现状

第2章 相关技术介绍

2.1 开发技术

2.2 MVVM模式

2.3 B/S结构

2.4 spring boot框架介绍:

2.5 MySQL数据库

第3章 系统分析

3.1 可行性分析

3.2 功能需求分析

3.3 非功能需求分析

3.4 安全性需求分析

3.4.1 系统的安全性

3.4.2 数据的安全性

3.5 数据流程分析

第4章 系统设计

4.1 系统架构设计

4.2 系统总体设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 数据库概念设计

4.3.2 数据库表设计

第5章 系统实现

5.1 数据库访问层的实现

5.2 注册模块的实现

5.3 登录模块的实现

5.4 用户资料修改模块的实现

5.5 前台用户功能模块的实现

5.6 管理员后台功能模块的实现

5.7 举办者管理模块的实现

5.8 志愿者后台管理模块的实现

第6章 系统测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 功能测试

6.3 测试结果



致  谢






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