新冠最新发布会_有好的网址推荐吗_湖北电商的网络推广_公司策划书模板 Abstract: With the ever-growing popularity of Internet, people for the demands of Internet technology has not only the web browser, e-mail, increasingly busy people began to pursue the use of the Internet homes of this powerful platform to achieve on-line shopping.
By DreamweaverMX, ASP technology and network database theory, based on B / S, I developed an online shopping system. In my system, customers can easily register as a member of the commodities to retrieve, view the details of goods, then everybody likes to buy crush of goods. The system will automatically generate orders for customers, in accordance with the customer all the information submitted orders and shipments. The system administrator can add to the existing goods and edit, review and registered users to submit orders for processing.







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